Landys Performance is excited about it latest endeavors.
We now offer full service engine building for all types of cars. From Street Rods to Pro Mods, Landys is now the place for the best quality,
the best prices and of course the best personal service in the industry.
Ever since we showed the world what we could do with spare parts on National TV, we have been filling orders for all kinds of powerplants.
We have been building the crowd favorite, Pump Gas Big Cube Big Block with Nitrous, Big Inch Small Blocks, Turbo, Supercharged, EFI or us.
We can fill your needs.
Landys has also decided to offer an Advanced ET Licencing program for racers who have the ability, the desire but may not have the car.
We also offer a program to dial in Your Car.
We have purchased some nice racecars specifically for this "School". While our aim is to help racers with everything from making horsepower
to getting down the track safely, we can also offer engine building, chassis setup, convertor tech, clutch tuning, welding classes, fabrication,
wiring basics and on and on the list goes.
We are wiling to share our experience with all willing people. Have an open mind and I'm sure you can learn from our years of experience.
Contact Landys for more info on driving our 7.50 ET Tube Chassis Pro Mod car or our Small Tire, Big HP Drag Radial type cars. There is even
a Stick Shift class for the guy who wants the bang the gears like the best in the business.
For the record we have raced in the following classes-
Super Pro
Super Stock
Super Gas
Super Comp
Top Sportsman
Quick 32
Pro Stock
Pro Mod
Pro 5.0
Nostalgia B/Gas
We even made some left turns on the dirt tracks in Sprint Cars and Modifieds. We will stick to Drag Racing....
The Summer is coming.....lets have some FUN!